Well good gravy.
It's been about ten years and a day since I posted here. Guess I should make my life count, or at least for the last day of 2012 by blogging today. So that probably includes like the 12+ events of 2012 or something like that. We'll see where that goes.
1) Baby niece Amelia born. She's so suitably fat now and I'm such a proud aunt!
2) State 2012. I think I cried for the whole damn thing. Every moment and it was super. We get to do that again in 2 months? I'm so ready to cry for several hours.
3) Watching my friend Ch-low Rad-cliffee do what she does at AFA. That was neat.
4) Surviving NFA to the surprise and accolades that we didn't expect. I've never been so genuinely surprised and overflowing with pride for what we speechies do.
5) Baby nephew Pete born. Although he looked like a grumpy old man for a while, he's learning to smile and getting cuter all the time.
6) May 18, 2012. I have a voicemail of Vanessa giggling.
7) Duluth with Lady Chelle Chelle. It was more than a moment, but it was important. It includes the apple pie baking and the porch sitting.
8) Climbing trees. Want a new perspective? That helps.
9) Giving a bike to a new teammate. Warm Fuzzies all over.
10) Oreo died. I forever miss my giant feline who hated snow, loved any holiday with bags and wrapping paper, and took two arms to hold. Now my heart holds you.
11) NCA. Dinner theater. Nuff said.
12) CinCC. I successfully cried in every performance in front of large audiences because that's where you cry. Love me some Guh chuh-wire fam.
Bonus: Throwing Better Cheddars because they're worse, not better. The moments leading up to that one were good too.
Ok so I should tell someone and this is as good a place to tell people as any about my new goal to blog more consistently than this semester. No point to having a blog that you don't use and there should be amusing things going on in my life that you may or may not appreciate.
To those of you going abroad this semester, blog because you want to read your experiences in full and not through collapsed memories that get compressed and diluted. Do it then so you can laugh about it later. Also, then I won't have to throw Better Cheddars (or rocks) at you.
So cheers to a happy survivable 2013. Love you all.