Ok. So I'm bad at the blog thing. I understand that you are mad. I'm going to pretend to hold out my wrist and you can chastise me as would stereotypical nuns in an elementary Catholic school.
Here's the question though:
Is there something (if anything) that you would like to hear in a commencement speech?
This can be a reflection of what you do or do not remember about the speeches you witnessed or gave. It can be a "I wish he talked about that" moment. Or a "She didn't talk about my class at all. That sucked." I'm curious. Commencement season is fast approaching and with it comes the panic of writing, rewriting, or wishing you would have applied to write in the first place, and I'm looking for a little crowd sourcing. Motivational? Nostalgic? Funny? Serious? Informational? Metaphysical?
Maybe I'll just write a series of haiku.... This is really dependent on your reactions.